Isaiah 43:1… “You are Mine!”

Have you ever felt lost or alone, like you’re just a face in the crowd?

I had!

But what if you knew that God sees you, knows you, and calls you by name?

In Isaiah 43:1, God says, “You are mine.” These three words are a powerful reminder that we belong to Him. We are His beloved children, created in His image and loved beyond measure.

When God calls you by name, He’s reminding you of your identity and purpose. You are not just a nameless face in the crowd, but a unique and precious individual, loved and cherished by Him.

In a world that often tries to define us, God’s words are a balm to our souls. He reminds us that our worth and value come not from what we do or achieve, but from who we are in Him.

So hold onto these words today: “You are mine.” Let them sink deep into your heart and remind you of your true identity. You are loved, you are valued, and you are mine. —MC©️


#GodLovesYou #YouAreMine #Isaiah431 #IdentityInChrist #BelovedChild


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