The Value of One: Understanding Jesus' Unconditional Love.

"Leave the ninety-nine and go after the lost one until you find it." - Matthew 18:12-14

Jesus' parable of the lost sheep has puzzled many. Why would a shepherd leave 99 sheep vulnerable to predators to rescue just one? It seems illogical, even reckless. Yet, this story reveals the depth of God's love.

The Shepherd's Priorities. 

In Jesus' teaching, the shepherd's focus isn't on the majority, but the individual:

- "I have come to seek and to save the lost." (Luke 19:10)

- "You did not choose Me, but I chose you." (John 15:16)

The Value of One. 

To God, every person has infinite worth:

- "You are precious and honored in My sight." (Isaiah 43:4)

- "I have loved you with an everlasting love." (Jeremiah 31:3)

Being the One. 

When we find ourselves lost and alone:

- We realize the shepherd's relentless pursuit

- We experience unconditional love and forgiveness

As the Ninety-Nine. 

We may question God's focus on one:

- "Don't the 99 matter?"

- "Why risk everything for one soul?"

Yet, We Are All the One. 

In God's eyes, each person is:

- Unique (Psalm 139:14)

- Loved (John 3:16)

- Worth saving (Romans 5:8)

Jesus leaving 99 to find 1 seems crazy until you are that 1:

- You experience His unfailing love

- You understand the value He places on you


- God's love knows no bounds

- Every soul matters

May we cherish the shepherd's love and share it with others.




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