Spiritual Warfare and Divine Presence.
As a child of God, I have been reminded that I am engaged in a spiritual battle. The enemy of my soul seeks to attack me in my weakest moments, aiming to instill fear and doubt. Recently, as I navigated a season of physical sickness, I found myself facing a spiritual onslaught.
In my humanity, I felt overwhelmed and tired, afraid of the uncertainties of life. However, as a daughter of the King, I know I have a heavenly Father who is always with me. So, I ran to His arms, crying out my heart and laying down my anxiety at the feet of the cross.
I reminded myself of the powerful truth that "the Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead lives in me" (Romans 8:11). This assurance filled me with confidence, knowing that I have been set apart for God's purpose and glory.
As I sought God's guidance and plan for my life, He directed me to Exodus 33:14-23 and 34:5-9. In these passages, God's presence and favor are palpable. The Lord declares, "I will personally go with you, and I will give you rest, and everything will be fine. Because I look favorably on you, and I know you by name" (Exodus 33:14-17).
These words resonated deeply within me, filling me with a sense of peace and security. I realized that God's presence in my life sets me apart from the world. His favor and knowledge of me are a source of strength and comfort.
“Father God to claim me as Your own personal possession, set me apart for Your glory, without Your presence, I am unable to navigate the challenges of life. In the midst of spiritual warfare, I have come to understand the importance of abiding in Your presence. Your divine presence is my source of strength, comfort, and guidance. As I walk through the uncertainties of life, I will cling to the assurance that You are with me, and that Your favor and presence set me apart for Your purpose and glory. In the mighty name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.”
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