
Showing posts from December, 2024

7 reglas bíblicas para seguir en el nuevo año.

7 biblical rules to follow in the new year.

Reflexiones sobre el inicio de un nuevo año: un llamado a la fidelidad.

Reflecting on the Cusp of a New Year: A Call to Faithfulness.

Reflexionar sobre el pasado y abrazar el futuro: un viaje de fe y redención.

Reflecting on the Past, Embracing the Future: A Journey of Faith and Redemption.

Tomar la decisión qué Reamente Importa.

Making the One Choice that Truly Matters

Encontrando luz en la oscuridad de las dificultades financieras.

Finding Light in the Darkness of Financial Struggles

Reconstruir las prioridades: una lección de Hageo.

Rebuilding Priorities: A Lesson from Haggai

El Poderoso Significado del Amor de Dios.

The Powerful Meaning of God's Love

La Maravillosa Gloria de Dios.

The Marvelous Glory of God

Quédate Quieto: De la Frustración a la Fe.

Be Still: From Frustration to Faith.

El Verdadero Significado de Navidad.

The True Meaning of Christmas


The Power of "It is Finished”

The Value of Hard Work and Respect.

The Parallels of Faith and Fitness

A Day of Reflection and Renewal.

The True Meaning of Christmas: A Reflection on Contentment and Joy.

Trusting God in the Midst of Chaos.

Fixing my gaze upon the unwavering character of my Lord.

Through the Storm: Jesus Give Us Peace.

Keeping our hopes alive in the grace and glory that the Spirit of God brings to us.

The True Meaning of Christmas: A Gift of Salvation.

Trusting God with Our Provisions: A Journey of Faith

Finding Strength in Singleness: A Journey of Faith and Trust.